28 research outputs found

    Maximizing Repository Exposure

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Conference PostersEnhancing online visibility for an institution or its (scientific) digital output, is one of the major goals in many repository projects. This proposal attempts to identify different repository properties, that have an influence on successful online exposure, tries to measure these properties and provides recommendations on optimizing these properties.@mire N

    Assessing and executing strategic repository opportunities for your institution

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    This presentation aims to provide repository administrators and enthusiasts with strategic arguments and tools to improve the context of their repository projects. Three different Institutional Repository `contexts` will be explored: the Sandbox IR environment, the IR pilot project and the IR as an operational, strategic system. In a second stage, the broad variety of different IR Stakeholders will be introduced. In order to improve the context of repository projects, three different types of business cases can be presented to the stakeholders. These are the strategic IR opportunities of Solving Problems, Adding Value and Saving Costs for the different Stakeholders. The last part of the presentation covers techniques to (re-) vitalize a repository projects, where three typical situations will be tackled: the empty box syndrome, Lack of Interest and Arising Complaints or Opposition. As this is a highly interactive presentation, the different questions and situations of the audience will be handled during and after the presentation

    Integration and information exchange challenges: learnings from NEEO

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    29 transparencias.-- Presentado en: 4as Jornadas OS-REPOSITORIOS (Universitat de Barcelona, 3-5 marzo 2010).Esta presentación ilustra cómo las limitaciones del estándar Dublin Core y OAI-PMH, son superadas por los estándares DIDL-MODS y SwUP. Recientemente, 24 instituciones europeas líderes en las áreas económicas y miembros del consorcio Nereus, han adoptado dichos estándares para proveer contenidos y datos de uso al portal Economist Online en el contexto del proyecto NEEO (Network of European Economists Online).Como socio del proyecto NEEO, la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, con la colaboración de @mire, empresa de servicios especializada en el software DSpace, ha realizado la implementación de estos estándares en su repositorio E-Archivo, proveedor de datos de Economist Online

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Another step closer to measuring the ghosts in the nursery: preliminary validation of the Trauma Reflective Functioning Scale

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    The aim of this study was to examine preliminary evidence of the validity of the Trauma Reflective Functioning Scale and to investigate reflective functioning (RF) and attachment in pregnant women with histories of trauma, with a particular focus on the capacity to mentalize regarding trauma and its implications for adaptation to pregnancy and couple functioning. The Adult Attachment Interview was used to assess attachment, unresolved trauma and mentalization (measured as RF) regarding relationships with attachment figures (RF-G) and trauma (RF-T) in 100 pregnant women with histories of abuse and neglect. The majority (63%) of women had insecure attachment states of mind and approximately half were unresolved regarding trauma. Furthermore, the majority of women manifested deficits specific to RF-T. Their RF-T was significantly lower than their RF-G; the findings indicate that women with histories of childhood abuse and neglect do not manifest a generic inhibition of reflectiveness, but a collapse of mentalization specific to trauma. Low RF-T, indicative of difficulty in considering traumatic experiences in mental state terms, was associated with difficulty in investment in the pregnancy and lack of positive feelings about the baby and motherhood. In addition, low RF-T was also associated with difficulties in intimate relationships. Results of a regression analysis with RF indicated that RF-T was the best predictor of investment in pregnancy and couple functioning. In sum, the study provides preliminary evidence that RF-T can be reliably measured and is a valid construct that has potential usefulness for research and clinical practice. It highlights the importance of mentalization specifically about trauma and suggests that it is not the experience of trauma per se, but the absence of mentalization regarding trauma that is associated with difficulties in close relationships and in making the transition to parenthood

    Mirage 2: A responsive user interface for DSpace

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    Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014DSpace Interest Group PresentationsThree years after the original contribution of the Mirage theme to DSpace 1.7, @mire is currently developing Mirage 2 for DSpace 4. This theme for the DSpace "Manakin" XML User Interface was built on modern web technologies including Bootstrap, SASS/Compass and Grunt. Mirage 2 adds support for devices in all shapes and sizes, an updated look & feel and an entire range of optimizations behind the scenes.Luyten, Bram (@mire, Belgium)Lowel, Art (@mire, Belgium

    Retos para la integración e intercambio de información : aprendiendo de NEEO

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    Aquesta presentació il·lustra com les limitacions de l'estàndard Dublin Core i OAI-PMH, són superades pels estàndards DIDL-MODS i SwUP. Recentment, 24 institucions europees líders en les àrees econòmiques i membres del consorci Nereus, han adoptat aquests estàndards per a proveir continguts i dades d'ús al portal Economist Online en el context del projecte NEEO (Network of European Economists Online). Com a soci del projecte NEEO, la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, amb la col·laboració de @mire, empresa de serveis especialitzada en el programari DSpace, ha realitzat la implementació d'aquests estàndards en el seu dipòsit E-Arxiu, proveïdor de dades de Economist Online.Esta presentación ilustra cómo las limitaciones del estándar Dublin Core y OAI-PMH, son superadas por los estándares DIDL-MODS y SwUP. Recientemente, 24 instituciones europeas líderes en las áreas económicas y miembros del consorcio Nereus, han adoptado dichos estándares para proveer contenidos y datos de uso al portal Economist Online en el contexto del proyecto NEEO (Network of European Economists Online). Como socio del proyecto NEEO, la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, con la colaboración de @mire, empresa de servicios especializada en el software DSpace, ha realizado la implementación de estos estándares en su repositorio E-Archivo, proveedor de datos de Economist Online.This presentation illustrates the limitations of the Dublin Core and OAI-PMH standards, which have been overcome by the DIDL-MODS I SwUP standards. Recently, 24 leading European institutions in economics and members of the Nereus consortium, have adopted these standards to provide content and usage data to the Economist Online portal in the context of the NEEO project (Network of European Economists Online). As a NEEO project partner, the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, with the collaboration of @mire, service company specialized in the DSpace software, has implemented these standards in its E-Archivo repositor, data provider of Economist Online